
The Rise Of Manifesto The Great - Book 1

A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Wear The Trousers
Book #1 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Manifesto The Great comes from a dynasty of leaders who treat women like breeding machines. When his forefather dies, he must take over as leader, but will he be able to control the women?

Planet Hy Man is a planet as pure as a baby’s belly button until a spaceship arrives full of celibate men and women hungry for all things ‘earthy’.

They hurl...

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The Downfall Of Manifesto The Great - Book 2

A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Are The Riot Act
Book #2 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Manifesto The Great rules Planet Hy Man, a Planet where meat is as toxic as nuclear waste. Faced with an uprising, Manifesto The Great turns to the only person he can trust----his mother; but she has days to live.

With an army of malfunctioning Mae West robots and a committee as innovative as a sock puppet, Manifesto The Great loses control. And...

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The Legacy Of Manifesto The Great - Book 3

A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Rewrite The Rules
Book #3 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Planet Hy Man’s future lay in the hands of two women as ruthless as a cock in a cockfight, but only one can rule.

Bette, an ex-cleaner with a love for order, is grimly hanging onto her leadership. Champing at her heels, rewriting history is Beryl, a woman so ambitious she has rewritten Planet Hy Man’s Geographic——Manifesto the Great’s legacy....

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Rebel Without A Clue - Book 4

A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Rule
Book #4 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Planet Hy Man’s energy is running on empty and earth is their only hope. The only problem is, no one wants to go there.

Mex is ready to hang up her catsuit and watch the galaxy pass by. But when she is ordered to save Planet Hy Man or kiss her pension goodbye, she has no choice but to don her leathers and head to Scotland.

With no idea what the...

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Rebel Without A Bra - Book 5

A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Wield The Whip
Book #5 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Planet Hy Man is in turmoil. Her leader lost on earth. Will Mex rise to the challenge or fade faster than her hair dye?

Mex is heading for the Edinburgh Festival in search of lost energy. Hot on her heels is Beryl, her leader who has already dropped Mex in it once and may do it again. Beryl has a planet to save and an arch-rival to beat. A feat...

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Rebel Without A Crew - Book 6

A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Run Riot
Book #6 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Planet Hy Man has toppled under the coup of the century and Mex must choose, will she settle for her retirement fund or are politicians too young to take seriously?

Planet Hy Man is at a loss as their new and callous leader takes a sabbatical, she has found her "pleasure dome" and while she learns there is more to life than a new manifesto, a...

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Rebel Without A Mask - Book 7

A Sci-Fi Comedy That Takes No Prisoners
Book #7 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Corona Virus has arrived on Planet Hyman, and only Beryl and Legless can help, a couple at war with their past. Will they rise to the occasion or fall out for good?

Planet Hy Man is under the leadership of H2, who has as much experience as a toddler. With a dwindling budget, she is still learning the ropes when a portal to Earth opens. H2 summons...

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The Other Side Of Planet Hy Man - Book 8

A Sci-Fi Comedy Where Women Are The Gladiators
Book #8 from the series: Planet Hy Man

Corona Virus has arrived on Planet Hyman, and only Beryl and Legless can help, a couple at war with their past. Will they rise to the occasion or fall out for good?

Those on Planet Hy Man thought they were the only women on the Planet Hy Man until a sea of mechanical rats exploded onto the scene.

H2, still reeling from the near pandemic of...

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Sheryl’s Last Stand - Book 1

A Laugh Out Loud Romantic Comedy
Book #1 from the series: Bellydancing And Beyond

Broke, homeless, and addicted to chocolate will Sheryl dare to chase her dream or remain tied to her mother's purse strings?

On the wrong side of thirty-five, Sheryl has lost her job, home, and the ability to say no to her mother. She is wilting in a sea of whiskey and American Wrestling, rooting for Johnstone, a wrestler as believable as Die...

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The Downfall of a Bellydancer - Book 2

A Comedy Not For The Fainthearted
Book #2 from the series: Bellydancing And Beyond

Nefertiti’s dance classes are empty, and her performance calendar blank, will she rise above the ashes of a lost dream or pull the duvet over her head and hide?

At one time, Nefertiti was a dancer people queued to see, now she runs a belly dancing class in the middle of nowhere, and the numbers have dwindled. Disappointed Nefertiti turns to her...

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Four Takeaways and a Funeral - Book 3

A Deliciously Succulent Comedy
Book #3 from the series: Bellydancing And Beyond

Mavis and Lumpy are getting married, but they can’t agree on anything will they learn to compromise, or will they break up over the size of their wedding cake?

Mavis and Lumpy argue over everything from the venue to the size of the paper plates, and when Lumpy befriends the local Indian restaurant, their relationship spirals out of control.


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Three Angry Women And A Baby - Book 4

A Heart Warming Feel-Good Romantic Comedy
Book #4 from the series: Bellydancing And Beyond

Shell-shocked from a night of everlasting labor, Sheryl cannot muster a “coo” let alone feel anything will she ever find her maternal mojo again?

Sheryl and Steven have always longed for a baby however, nine months of yoga doesn’t guarantee a smooth birth, and Sheryl returns home with the maternal feelings of a clay brick.

Steven tries to...

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The Real Story Of "O" - Book 5

A Reckless Comedy Of The Heart
Book #5 from the series: Bellydancing And Beyond

A battle with the council is not always easy, especially when you have a past the tabloids would give their eye teeth for…

George is a patient man who enjoys sparing with Beatrice, his partner. She is as complex as a Rubik’s Cube and as dominating as Donald Trump. George finds her amusing, in a ‘living in a sitcom’ way, until she, with a pile of...

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The Other Side Of Yes - Book 6

A Feel Good Romantic Comedy For The Sceptic
Book #6 from the series: Bellydancing And Beyond

Does true love overcome age and race? When Neff fell for Tenzam she hoped so until she met his sister.

Neff, a dramatic woman in her early sixties thought sex was but a distant memory until she met Tenzam. She works for him in an Indian takeaway and despite him lighting her fire more times than she’s served popadoms, she struggles to trust him....

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A Dame Called Derek - Book 1

A Romantic Comedy With No Age Limit
Book #1 from the series: The Diva Diaries

Charlie’s marriage has hit rock bottom, and his bed is a lonely place. He decides to try his hand at writing, but will his wife give a toss?

Charlie shares his first story with his writing class. A hobby that has his wife laughing into her morning latte. However, the writing class enjoyed his story, including the director of the local pantomime....

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Panto Boy - Book 2

A Romantic Comedy With A Twist
Book #2 from the series: The Diva Diaries

Agnes and Lesley, a couple “on more than a break”, fight it out on the pantomime stage, will they swallow their pride and work together or ruin the panto for good?

Agnus has played the lead in the local pantomime for years now, in her sixties, she is desperate for one last chance to don her thigh boots. Lesley wants her to “hang up her suspenders...

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Panto Girl - Book 3

A Romantic Comedy With No Boundaries
Book #3 from the series: The Diva Diaries

The last thing Helmet was looking for was romance, the last thing Toby was looking for was a father, but Red, Toby’s mother had other ideas.

Helmut a traveling blogger from Germany is searching for his next big story and when he comes across a single mother with a teenage son who dreams of saving the world, Helmut sees a kindred spirit.

As Helmut...

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Lockdown - Book 4

A romantic comedy with more than a twist
Book #4 from the series: The Diva Diaries

George, ousted from the drama club, is desperate to direct again. The drama club would rather have their nails ripped out, and with Lockdown on the horizon, will George get a chance?

George is at a loss for what to do until an elderly Aunt is whisked off to a nursing home with the visiting times of a security prison.

George sees a chance. He...

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A Dress For A Queen And Other Short Stories

Diverse, satirical and deliciously moreish, this comical collection of adult short stories by Scotland’s favorite author Kerrie Noor include:-

A Dress For A Queen

Lizzie loves to perform daring tricks in strange places- the only trouble is -her day job gets in the way.

The Story That Got Away

Deidre works alongside Rodney an editor, who turns up his...

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